$20 $12

Business Law

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Business Law

$20 $12

This bundle contains...

"This bundle provides a comprehensive overview of two critical areas of business law: intellectual property law and company law. Ideal for students, legal practitioners, and business professionals, this eBook offers clear and concise explanations of the principles and regulations that protect innovations and govern business entities. Explore the legal frameworks that drive creativity and corporate governance in today's dynamic global marketplace."

Company Law - content

  1. Company Formation
  2. Lifting the veil of incorporation
  3. Capital
  4. Equity
  5. Directors’ duties
  6. Management of the company
  7. Majority rule
  8. Corporate governance
  9. Dealing with outsiders

Intellectual Property Law - content

  1. Copyrights
  2. Design law
  3. Patents
  4. Passing Off
  5. Registration of Trademarks
  6. Trademark Infringement

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